Robert Higgs
The Boy in the Photograph
(Bullying: Fists and Words Leave Bruises)
Robert Higgs is the author of two books on bullying, including “What Have I Ever Done To You?”, which has been featured on BBC Radio 1, Radio 2, Sky News, BBC Breakfast and Martial Arts Illustrated.
His unique approach has credibility with young people because he speaks from the perspective of having experienced bullying as a young person himself.
The presentation has a positive focus on empowering pupils by providing them with the practical skills and strategies to understand and prevent bullying behaviour and begins with a live theatre performance by Rob.
Each role play is designed to teach pupils to respond to name-calling in an assertive way. The seminar promotes confident body language, eye contact and powerful use of the voice as a self-protection aid. Word games develop quick thinking to help overcome the tendency to freeze in bullying situations.
Participants leave with a deeper understanding of the techniques bullies employ and their motivation for targeting someone. Understanding the bully allows pupils to better understand themselves and employ strategies to resolve the problem.
Robert’s powerful, emotive and inspiring work has been incredibly well received nationally. In Primary and Secondary schools his drama presentations and workshops have proved a highly effective addition to each school’s PSHE programme, Peer Mentoring Scheme and Anti-Bullying Week activities. Robert has written several plays on bullying and has worked with groups of young people to rehearse and stage each production within schools or at showcase events.
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