Abi Edmunds Navigating Body Image and Social Media (The Dark Side of Selfies) Selfies have become a ubiquitous part of teenage culture; a way to express themselves and connect with friends online. However, the constant barrage of filtered and edited photos can have a...
Dr Joanna Silver Building a Positive Relationship with Food and your Body (Helpful Guidance and Advice on Eating Disorders) In 2022, more young people than ever before were receiving treatment for eating disorders according to figures published by the NHS. Almost...
Dr Joanna Silver An Introduction To Eating Disorders (Guidance for Teachers and Parents) According to BEAT, the Eating Disorders charity an estimated 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder, 90% of whom are female. This is likely to be an underestimate...
Laura Dodsworth Body image & healthy eating (Challenging perceptions about body image) Laura Dodsworth is an artist, photographer and storyteller. Over the last five years, she has photographed & interviewed 300 women and men about their breasts, penises and...
Tina Lond-Caulk Food for Life (How a small change in your diet can affect every aspect of your life) Tina Lond-Caulk is a leading expert on nutrition and health education for teenagers in the UK, working on average with 22,000 students a year for the last 12 years...