Rachel Findler When Falling is not an Option (Adventures of an Extreme Skier) Rachel spent her school year’s day-dreaming about becoming a professional skier and finally achieved her goal when she took the leap of faith of moving to Whistler, Canada in 2004. Rachel...
Dr Charlie Easmon Tales of the Unexpected (I didn’t see that coming) In recent years there has been an exponential rise in overseas travel, either as part of school organised trips or undertaken as a gap year before university. Young people today have far greater...
Shaun Atwood Tales of the Unexpected (A Self Help Talk Like No Other) Reflective, philosophical, occasionally shocking and darkly humorous, Shaun Attwood’s Life Lessons seeks to help young people put their lives into perspective as they wrestle with the trials of...
Angela Findlay Art Behind Bars (The role of the arts in breaking the cycle of crime, prison and reoffending) It is all too easy to dismiss prisoners as the ‘baddies’ of society and ignore the plight of the estimated 85,000 people held British jails. But re-offending...