Dr Joanna Silver An Introduction To Eating Disorders (Guidance for Teachers and Parents) According to BEAT, the Eating Disorders charity an estimated 1.25 million people in the UK have an eating disorder, 90% of whom are female. This is likely to be an underestimate...
Eliza Lindsay Are You Okay? (Talking openly about Mental Health Issues) Eliza was educated at Tudor Hall School and went on to study Marine Biology at Newcastle University before training as a biology teacher. Whilst at school and throughout her teenage years she...
Angela Findlay Art Behind Bars (The role of the arts in breaking the cycle of crime, prison and reoffending) It is all too easy to dismiss prisoners as the ‘baddies’ of society and ignore the plight of the estimated 85,000 people held British jails. But re-offending...
Jim Smith Back from the Brink of Drink (The Magnificence of Ordinariness) Jim Smith grew up in South London in the 1950s; he was adopted and an only child and never felt comfortable in his own skin. Until the age of 15, his only escape was music. Then he took his...
Laura Dodsworth Body image & healthy eating (Challenging perceptions about body image) Laura Dodsworth is an artist, photographer and storyteller. Over the last five years, she has photographed & interviewed 300 women and men about their breasts, penises and...
Patrick Foster Presentations (Raising awareness of gambling addiction through education) ‘Addiction can happen to anyone, even those we least expect’ Former professional cricketer and independent school teacher offers a telling insight into the life of a...