Chip Somers After ‘The Gowns of Radley’ (From public school to prison and back again) After leaving public school in Oxfordshire, Chip Somers made his way to London and sank into a nomadic life of hard drugs and subsequent daily crime to fund his ever burgeoning...
Dr Charlie Easmon Mental & Emotional Wellbeing (The range of Mental Health problems) Young people can experience a range of mental health problems. Teenage years are a time when young people are usually changing rapidly and developing all the time. Adolescents...
Matthieu Brown The New American Dream Matthieu Brown is a young entrepreneur who set up his first company while studying for his ‘A’ levels. He balanced his school work with working alongside a friend to establish his first ‘start-up’. He later sold his first business...
Angela Findlay The Second World War: The Other Side (The impact of WW2 on a German family, and why we need to remember the past) The Second World War and Nazism are subjects that have on-going and infinite relevance and fascination. Times have changed, but similar...
Isla van Tricht Parents (Talking to kids in the digital age) The average age children are exposed to pornography in the UK is 11 years old. 90% of young people aged 8 – 16 have watched porn online. It’s time we had a conversation with young people about porn....
Dr Charlie Easmon Tales of the Unexpected (I didn’t see that coming) In recent years there has been an exponential rise in overseas travel, either as part of school organised trips or undertaken as a gap year before university. Young people today have far greater...